1. Overview

First you need to decide which kind of ProvidableKey you want. A plain String might be working, but using the GenericProvidableKey with a typealias will be just fine.

enum ServicesKeyType { } // will never be instantiated
typealias Services = GenericProvidableKey<Services>

let serviceInjector = LazyInjector<Services>().globalize().erase()
serviceInjector // only Services will fit in here

You can use a globalized LazyInjector to provide your global services. This injector will be passed to every ViewController. Thereafter we erase the Injector in order to get rid of generics (Injector where Key = MyKey vs. AnyInjector<MyKey>).

// this will be passed to your RootViewController
let appInjector = LazyInjector<Services>().globalize().erase()

On segues, you can compose the Injector the ViewController received (for your RootViewController: appInjector).

protocol SessionService { }

extension Provider {
    static var sessionService: Provider<Services, SessionService> {
        return .derive()

// then 
var segueInjector = StrictInjector<Services>()
segueInjector.inject(mySession, for: .sessionService)
let navInjector = segueInjector.compose(appInjector)
// All changes will now be performed on segueInjector by default, 
// but contents of appInjector are available, too